
Iterate, Impact

Unbounded Innovation

& Evolve

Agile Development

& Transform

Shaping Tomorrow's Techscape


Tailored Solutions

About The Company

Welcome to Butterfly Tech Solutions LLC., where innovation is our heartbeat, and humility guides our path. We are more than a tech company; we are creators, weaving the fabric of tomorrow's possibilities through versatile products. We craft experiences that resonate, solutions that simplify, and technologies that inspire.


We believe in the power of innovation to transform industries and lives. Our journey is fueled by a relentless pursuit of cutting-edge technologies and fresh ideas, always pushing the boundaries of what's possible.


We understand that true progress stems not only from our expertise but also from listening, learning, and collaborating. Our team embodies a humble spirit, acknowledging that the best creations are often born from collective genius.


We endeavour to create more than just products. We explore, research, test, build and break, all as part of the progression curve. Our versatility is our strength, allowing us to adapt and evolve, meeting challenges head-on and transforming them into opportunities.

User-Centric Design

Prioritizing user needs and experiences is a hallmark of Butterfly Tech Solutions. This approach involves deeply understanding the target audience, their pain points, behaviors, and preferences. By conducting user research, gathering feedback, and employing design thinking methodologies, we create products that address specific user needs and offer intuitive, user-friendly experiences.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

This approach involves releasing a basic version of the product with just enough features to satisfy early adopters. It allows us to gather valuable feedback quickly, test assumptions, and validate the product concept with minimal resources. Subsequent iterations build upon the MVP, incorporating improvements and additional functionalities based on user feedback and market demand.

Agile Development

We adopt agile methodologies for product development, emphasizing flexibility, collaboration, and iterative improvements. By breaking down the product development process into smaller, manageable tasks or sprints, teams can continuously deliver updates and improvements. Agile methodologies enable quick adaptation to changing requirements, facilitate faster development cycles, and maintain a focus on delivering value to users.



Our Portfolio

We are committed to providing our clients with exceptional service
while helping them take their business to the next level.


Great things in business are never done by one person rather by a team of people.

Meet Our Founders

We are a young vibrant team driven by passion and excellence. The future of product development is innovation and we strive to achieve that in all we do.

What people say?

"I'm continually amazed by the innovative solutions this tech company brings to the table. Their ability to think outside the box and develop creative tech solutions is unparalleled. They not only understand our needs but exceed expectations by introducing groundbreaking ideas that have transformed our business. Their creative approach has been a game-changer for us!"

Franklin, SportPesa Kenya

What people say?

"Working with Butterfly Tech has been a breath of fresh air! Their commitment to timely delivery is commendable. They not only promise but also consistently deliver on time, which is crucial in our fast-paced industry. Their efficient project management and prompt execution have helped us meet our deadlines without compromising on quality. Dependability is definitely their forte!"

Jon, Urbanite Camps

What people say?

"Finally, a tech company that truly listens to its users! They take the time to understand our requirements, preferences, and pain points, and then craft solutions that cater directly to our needs. Their user-centric approach has made our interactions seamless and enjoyable. It's evident that they prioritize user experience, resulting in products that are intuitive and tailored perfectly to our demands."

Sifa, Jacaranda Beach Resort

Contact Us

Butterfly Tech Solutions LLC

© 2024